Noel Leeming continues to tell real customer stories with new TVC

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Noel Leeming and FCB mined real customer stories for the retailer’s latest series of commercials which started playing on our screens this week. It’s the third in the series featuring customer stories as told by the customer.

FCB says they got the material after a call-out was made to Noel Leeming staff up and down the country. They were after legendary customer stories as told to staff on the shop floor. The stories have been selected to highlight the different types of services available at Noel Leeming, and to show real customers discovering how they can get the most out of their technology.

The first featured a loveable golfer learning how to watch his favourite game on TV with Chromecast and a father who was able to stay connected with his tech-savvy daughter when she went travelling.

The latest TVC by Fish&Clips, directed by Petra Cibilich, features a young woman not really enjoying a Fitbit she got for her birthday because she doesn’t know how to work it. She went in-store to talk to a Noel Leeming expert who showed her the different things a Fitbit can do. After discovering she could compare her daily results with friends, the Fitbit brought out her competitive side.

The campaign set out to strengthen Noel Leeming’s position as New Zealand’s leading technology destination, by showcasing the expertise of its staff and how they can help educate customers about their products in-store or assist with set-up at home.

The series of centre on the dedicated team of passionate experts at every store who are there to help customers having technology troubles, or who want to be shown more ways they can maximise their machines.

“Technology is becoming more exciting and full of opportunity, but also more complex and more connected – leading to more pain points for our customers. The speed of change is incredible, meaning most people only scratch the surface of what their

technology is capable of. That’s why we are really excited about our services campaign, as we can enable people to use their technology to its full potential,” says Noel Leeming GM of Retail Services, Sean Stephens.

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