NZ marketers expect non-traditional budgets to rise 

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NZ marketers see challenges and opportunities in data, according to the 2017 Mood of Marketing report from Qrious – the big data & analytics business borne out of Spark Ventures.

The latest Qrious report, which gives marketers the chance to benchmark their activities against their peers, is now available – free (scroll down).

Qrious data powered marketing GM Simon Conroy said, “Over the last year we’ve seen huge changes in New Zealand marketing, driven largely by new technologies and the flood of data this creates. This has transformed opportunities for marketers, but it’s also introduced a raft of new challenges for those wanting to stay competitive in the market.

“This report will help marketers compare their activities with the wider industry and recognise the areas they might want to focus on to stay ahead of the curve.”

The 2017 Mood of Marketing report reveals that around two-thirds of respondents see data as building credibility but, concerningly, almost a third don’t believe their organisation understands how to get value from it. Shifts like this are driving a race for new talent, with 67% seeking skills in data analytics and 74% seeking digital talent.

“Nearly half of NZ’s leading marketers expect marketing budgets to increase, with a shift to spend on non-traditional areas.”

According to the report, nearly half of New Zealand’s leading marketers expect marketing budgets to increase in the next year, with a shift to spend on non-traditional areas.

Overwhelmingly, respondents believe broadcast and print will decline, while digital, social and mobile will skyrocket. Most expect big data, the Internet of Things and mobile platforms to shape the industry’s future.

The report brings together the thinking of 74 leading New Zealand marketers, from a cross-section of businesses and industries. The result is a snapshot of what the industry expects from the future when it comes to marketing budgets, skills, and the impact of changing technology.

“We understand there are skills gaps in areas like big data, which are tipped to play a critical role in the future of marketing,” Conroy said.

“Qrious is well positioned to help marketers understand big data so they can use it to grow the credibility of brands and to understand customers better.

“That’s why we acquired Ubiquity earlier this year, bringing together the marketing automation services of Ubiquity and the data analytics capability of Qrious into a powerhouse data-powered marketing function,”

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