NZ agencies emerge in six Cannes shortlists

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NZ picked up a further 25 finalist spots overnight at the Cannes Lions Festival – in Cyber (two), PR (five), Print & Publishing, Promo & Activation (10), Outdoor (three), and The Glass.

DDB, with two campaigns through both for Sky TV Silicon Valley URXXL – was the only Kiwi agency to make the Cyber shortlist.

Five NZ entries make the shortlist cut in PR Lions. DDB/Mango leads with two (both for Rialto Channel Breast Cancer Screening), followed by – with one each – Chemistry Interaction (Sovereign Insurance How Old Are You Really?), FCB (Testicular Cancer Go Balls Out),  and Colenso BBDO DB Beer Bottle Sand.

Print & Publishing
Colenso BBDO has five finalists through to the shortlist stage of the Print & Publishing Lions – Pedigree Tub, Man & Book, Boat, and Anchor Inside-Out and Blank Canvas.

DDB has three finalists – for Sky TV, Silicon Valley URXXL (x2), and Rialto Channel Breast Cancer Screenings.

And Clemenger BBDO|Touchcast has scored two finalists in Print & Publishing – both for KiwiRail, The Conscious.

In Outdoor, Colenso BBDO has two finalists (both for DB Beer Bottle Sand. Clemenger BBDO|Touchcast has one finalist (for KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing).

Glass Lions
Saatchi & Saatchi’s The Shielded Site for Women’s Refuge was NZ’s only finalist in the Cannes Glass Lions shortlist.

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