Star NZ actor enlists PR exponent

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AUCKLAND, Today: Recently launched boutique PR company Audacity PR, founded by former journalist and comms advocate Golnaz Bassam-Tabar, has just signed up media veteran Louise Wallace.

Louise Wallace, most recently on our screens in The Real Housewives of Auckland series, is currently working on her new project, a theatre production by Dave Armstrong – Kings of the Gym, an un-PC Kiwi comedy by Tadpole Productions (of which Wallace is also the president). 

“We are delighted to have Louise on board to manage and promote her artistic and media engagements. Louise is a powerhouse of knowledge and experience within New Zealand’s media and performing arts industries and her passion for it is palpable,” said Bassam-Tabar.

“With 40 years in the industry, it’s easy to see why she is loved and respected by her peers and general Kiwis.

“She plays an ace netball player and a born-again Christian, until she meets an All Black … for one night.”

“Louise is outspoken and not worried about expressing her opinion. She is involved in her immediate community and a fixture on the arts and media scene. With her nuanced views and deep understanding of this sector and its subsequent influence in kiwi culture, she has the ability to influence public opinion.”

In Kings of the Gym, she performs alongside Kiwi actor Paul Glover, known for his recent roles in 800 Words and Netflix hit, Spartacus.

She plays a fed-up headmistress in a low-decile school with a Te Reo-heavy curriculum where she has had it with the disinterested, overweight and unfit PE teacher.

They’re unaware that Viv is about to introduce young Maori student teacher, Annie, into their laissez-faire culture. She is an ace netball player, a born-again Christian and determined to make her mark in the new school culture.

Until she meets an All Black … for one night.

“The play will invoke some strong opinions which is exactly where Louise shines,” said Bassam-Tabar. “We are looking forward to the social commentary that will ensue.”

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