NZDM Awards open for entry

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The call for entries for the 2018 NZDM Awards is now open. This year the Marketing Association is calling for campaigns that take great data insights, intelligent strategy and cut-through creative to magic up a great response.

“This year after consultation with industry experts we’ve introduced three new categories and evolved some existing category descriptions and titles,” said ceo Tony Mitchell.

New categories include: Purpose Driven Marketing, Customer Experience and Excellence in Personalisation.

Changes to other categories include: Healthcare & Wellness, Retail & E-Commerce, Technology and Emerging Technologies, Direct Mail, Direct Response, Mobile Marketing, Social Media & Digital, Excellence in Art Direction, Copywriting, Creative and Excellence in Creative Innovation.

“New categories include Purpose Driven Marketing, Customer Experience and Excellence in Personalisation.”

“Once again, we are proud to have Orangebox as our Platinum sponsor and category sponsors, GrownUps, Fly Buys, Loyalty NZ and Qrious back to support us this year along with new category sponsor Truth Customer Academy,” Mitchell said.

Gold, Silver and Bronze winners are awarded across 37 categories in Industry, Channel, Nexus, Craft and Special Awards.

Entries for the NZDM Awards close at 5pm on Friday 12 October. An extended late deadline of 5pm on Wednesday 19 October is available (at an additional nominal fee).

Judging will take place throughout November and December with finalists being announced before the end of November.

The NZ Direct Marketing Awards Night will be held on Thursday 28 February 2019 at Cordis, Auckland. Around 600 marketers and creatives are expected.

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