NZME’s VR film a heartwarming tearjerker

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NZME Vision, NZME’s video production arm, has partnered with aged care facility operator Radius Care and released a VR video it claims “has captured the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people across New Zealand”.

Virtually guaranteed to bring a tear to the most jaded eye, the video depicts Radius Care NZ resident Anna seeing and hearing a message from her family in Sydney. The emotional message is given even more impact when viewers see her family walk around the corner – turning the virtual into reality.

The film was produced by the NZME Vision team to ensure a genuine experience for Anna and her family, and achieve maximum impact across a wide range of viewers to let them share the moment.

The NZME Vision team travelled to Australia to capture film footage of the family. It was recorded with a specialist 360 camera rig, a piece of video equipment that allows for total 360 degree, spherical filming.

This footage was then edited to be viewed on a VR headset, allowing Anna a truly special experience. The team then captured Anna’s reaction to the personal message and the carefully timed appearance of her family arriving in person to surprise her.

The video resonated on social media, reaching over 500,000 views across various platforms.

Simon Soulsby, NZME account director for commercial video, said the concept had all the right elements to achieve exposure that could only be described as viral, but he says it’s something you can never guarantee.

“This video is a great example of how the best stories are the ones that make people feel something; that stir an emotional connection to the content and ignite passion in the viewer,” he said.

“While it was a commercial venture, the branding for Radius was subtle and took a back seat to the story – Anna reconnecting with her family. We believe that’s why it performed so well.”

Sam Carey, marketing manager at Radius Care, said that he was not only impressed at the quality of the production, but that its exposure exceeded expectation.

“The engagement has been incredible, and the team really brought our vision for the concept to life. We wanted to do something magical that gave a special moment to a family, and let New Zealand tag along for the ride.

‘Not an ad campaign’
“This was never meant to be a marketing campaign – we simply wanted to do a lovely thing and NZME Vision allowed us to share Anna’s joy.”

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