NZME wins rare recognition for its open mind

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NZME is justifiably spreading the word on its achievement as the first media company in New Zealand to be awarded the Rainbow Tick, acknowledging its active effort to be a diverse, innovative and inclusive organisation.

The Tick is awarded to organisations that are truly embracing making their workplace a safe environment for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. Rainbow groups encompass people in the LGBTI+ community who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui and intersex.

The certification is a result of NZME’s wider Inclusion and Diversity strategy, which encompasses all aspect of having a multicultural workforce as, well as encouraging individuals to ‘bring your whole self to work’ and truly harness their differences.

To receive the validation, an evaluation was held across five key areas that involved significant work and collaboration to ensure that the company paid more than lip service to diversity; Strategy and Policy, Staff Engagement and Organisational Support, External Engagement, Organisational Development and Monitoring.

CEO Michael Boggs says NZME is thrilled to be certified with the Rainbow Tick. “I’m really passionate and proud of what we are announcing today,” he says.

“I’m really passionate and proud of what we are announcing today.”

“NZME sets itself apart by having talented people who can make a difference for our audience and our customers. Diversity and inclusion is key to attracting and engaging the best talent and we work very hard to make sure that everyone not only feels safe, but looks forward to coming to work.

“We’re committed to continuing to develop our inclusive culture and pioneering this in the media industry as the first media company in New Zealand to receive the Rainbow Tick.”

To celebrate, and “continue the crusade to become an employer of choice and cement their commitment to being a truly diverse workplace, NZME will be proudly displaying the rainbow in its brands, in support of our rainbow communities on Friday 13 October.

The iconic New Zealand Herald brand and well known radio brands will be sporting a rainbow Logo, with other regional publication brands being multicolour over the following week to support our local communities and regions.

Michael Stevens, programme director at the Rainbow Tick said his team are delighted to certify NZME with the Rainbow Tick. “NZME has made a public statement and commitment around what is expected in terms of professional behaviour and inclusive practice in its workforce, and we applaud this.

“The symbolism of such a New Zealand icon as NZME and its brands adopting rainbow branding to celebrate getting certified cannot be underestimated. We are a population that is largely invisible, and any signs that acknowledge we exist and give us a chance to see ourselves represented in the wider world are not just welcome, but also immensely powerful and supportive.

“NZME undertook this work in an open and sincere spirit, as it reflects aspects of their own established values.”

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