OMG ups ante on ad fraud & brand safety

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In a move aimed at taking a lead on digital ad verification and to combat issues of ad fraud, viewability and brand safety, Omnicom Media Group New Zealand has announced a partnership with global security outfit Integral Ad Science.

This will see OMG agencies use the Integral suite of tracking across all of its clients’ digital advertising.

Integral Ad Science, using advanced technology and acting as an unbiased third party, will provide a quality data source which OMG says will use to make better informed, smarter, high-quality media buys that avoid poor quality inventory.

“Leveraging data to its full potential has always been a core agency focus,” says PHD Group ceo Louise Bond. “The partnership with Integral Ad Science will allow us to take this one step further through ensuring our clients’ online advertising is not only served to the right person, in the right place at the right time, but also in the most premium, brand safe environments.

“This more holistic approach to data will allow us to ensure the greatest possible accountability for our digital media buys, and ongoing best possible results for our clients.”

OMD Group ceo Kath Watson said: “While we already have many processes in place to protect against ad fraud, viewability issues and ‘safe’ advertising environments, we believe partnering with Integral will give us added protection and provide us with the data to accurately check we are continuously protecting our clients.”

Watson and Bond say that addressing these issues should be the collective responsibility of digital publishers and agencies/clients. “However, the Integral partnership means OMG agencies will have solid data at both in-campaign and publisher levels from which solutions can be discussed and developed alongside the digital publishers,” Watson said.

“Eliminating these issues will ultimately deliver a better ROI for OMG clients.

Integral ANZ managing director James Diamond said: “We are very excited to partner with OMG New Zealand – it’s exciting to see one of the big players in the market proactively addressing the issue of media quality and helping its advertisers get access to better quality media.

“While we are still in the early stages, I expect that OMG’s clients are going to benefit significantly in the long run. They will ultimately have fewer brand safety issues, more exposure to potential customers and better marketing ROI.”

About Omnicom Media Group
Omnicom Media Group (OMG) is the media services division of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC), the leading global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company, providing services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries. Omnicom Media Group includes the full service media networks OMD and PHD; digital, data and analytics platform Annalect Group; and a number of specialty media communications companies.

Omnicom Media Group is made up of several media specialist companies. Among them is OMD Worldwide (, the largest and most innovative media communications specialists in the world, and PHD Network (, a leading media services company widely recognized for its pioneering and innovative work for clients.

About Integral Ad Science
Integral Ad Science is a technology company focused on ensuring safe, quality media environments for online advertisers. Employing the industry’s only media valuation platform, Integral Ad Science evaluates the media environment and establishes a TRAQ Score (True Advertising Quality), a first-of-its-kind, quantifiable measure of media quality that ultimately benefits every media buyer, seller, publisher and trading platform. TRAQ Score supports an advertiser’s ability to plan, execute and target their audience in an environment that reflects their brand image and drives ROI, while simultaneously setting benchmarks for publishers who wish to improve the quality of their content and design to attract premium advertisers.

Integral is headquartered in New York with operations in San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, London, Berlin, Paris, Sydney, Melbourne, and Singapore.

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