The NZ billboard sector, which has continually struggled to come up with affordable in-depth viewer reasearch, has introduced what it calls “a single currency” measurement system – Daily Traffic Visuals – to tackle the problem.
“Our members have moved to address agency frustration at inconsistency between companies in the time period in which audiences were expressed and in some cases a lack of confidence in the numbers themselves,” says OMANZ general manager Adam McGregor.
The association represents around 80% of the NZ OOH industry, including those most affected by DTV – APN Outdoor, iSite and Media5.
The new system delivers significant advances in three ways, McGregor says:
- “Base traffic counts are not supplied by the media operators. Leading independent geo-spatial company Critchlow have derived the latest and most accurate traffic counts for relevant road sections for each billboard ensuring the integrity of the base data.
- “Secondly, Critchlow in conjunction with iSite has developed a series of rules which, when applied universally greatly refine the audience outputs. For the first time agencies can take confidence that there is a consistent, independently verified methodology for applying variables such as billboard orientation, traffic flow and effective viewing distance.
- “Thirdly, DTV numbers will be accompanied by a Critchlow trust mark assuring their authenticity. Member operators have agreed to publish DTV numbers on their site cards and proposals in the public domain, and to further guarantee transparency the outputs will also be available on the OMANZ website for reference.”
OMANZ chairman, Wayne Chapman said: “The introduction of DTV currency is a modest but nonetheless significant step in the continuing maturity of the OOH industry. Members have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively towards an outcome that will deliver our customers a superior product and give them the confidence to further invest in the growth of our medium.”
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