oOh!, MBM, Motion Sickness in heartfelt takeover showcasing fire safety

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AUCKLAND, Tuesday: oOh!media, MBM and Motion Sickness have worked closely to bring a striking and visually effective display to three bus shelters across Oriental Parade, Wellington.

The three shelters highlight the importance of working smoke alarms; showcasing burnt, everyday personal belongings that have been carefully recreated based on items recovered from real house fires.

The Museums of Fires Past exhibits a display of burnt items and the message is that while having functioning smoke alarms in the right place won’t guarantee your belongings will be saved, they could save your life.

“The shelters highlight the importance of working smoke alarms; showcasing carefully recreated burnt, everyday personal belongings recovered from real housefires.”

oOh!media NZ head of sales Ben Gibb said: “This is the first time oOh! will be using a sequential studio takeover build to tell such an important story, utilising three of oOh!’s key shelters.

If we can do our part to remind Kiwis of the importance of having working smoke alarms, we could save a life, which is a pretty great feeling.”

Fire & Emergency NZ marketing manager at Kelley Toy said: “Partnering with oOh!media MBM and Motion Sickness has been a fundamental part in bringing this idea to life.

“We really needed this campaign to have a lasting impression on those who see it to emphasise that having working smoke alarms in every bedroom, hallway and living area in your home could save your life.”


Media agency: MBM
Creative agency: Motion Sickness
Out of Home agency: oOh!media NZ

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