Like everybody else in the global ad and publishing community, everybody at M+AD (both of us!) watched this morning’s brilliant Soccer World Cup final.
How do we reckon everybody?
Well, we have all seen for ourselves those around us who have usually have nothing but disdain for soccer. Yet these very same people seem to have almost overnight turned full circle and been totally captured by what’s been going on in Brasil.
Similar picture all over the world? You bet! From Iraq to Moscow. From deepest Africa to Antarctica. (Not sure about China and India – but that’s another story!)
But the final proof for us, anyway, is the fact that when M+AD arrived back in front of our screens this morning, not one single email from any marketing, advertising or publishing outfit anywhere in the world appeared in our Inbox for the entire duration of the game.
This is unheard of. We’re a tiny outpost of this community – but our professional connections are global, and the email flow from all corners of the globe is continuous.
OK. Great. Wonderful. Etc, etc.
Now … back to the Warriors/ABs/Blues/Black Caps/Silver Ferns!
– Ed
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