Pead PR boosts leadership team

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Auckland independent consultancy Pead PR is restructuring at a senior level “to ensure sustained success in the evolving public relations industry”.

Owner Deborah Pead steps in to a chief executive position taking a more strategic role while group account director Becky Erwood becomes managing director.

Pead says it’s “a good news announcement” and an investment in the leadership of the business to ensure Pead PR is best resourced to meet the intensifying integrated opportunities and growth in digital channels.

“Becky’s appreciation of these changes has been especially evident in leading the agency’s approach to influencer and content marketing,” she says.  “The next 12 months will see us grow our offer into producing more brand owned content alongside our traditional media relations strategies to help us better attend to client, media and consumer needs.

“Becky is an outstanding operator and her appointment to the position of MD recognises the important role she fulfils at Pead PR.

“It also frees me up for more flexibility to do the things I love about our industry; strategic counsel, big issues, media relations strategy and networking for the benefit of our clients and the business base of the agency.”

Becky Erwood said, “Pead PR is synonymous with results-driven and trailblazing PR campaigns. I am looking forward to extending the excellent reputation the agency has in traditional media and preparing us for an integrated future.

“The future of Pead PR is an organisation that extends our stellar reputation in earned media into influence across paid, earned and owned to help us better serve client, media and consumer needs.”

The appointment gives Erwood a seat on a newly created Pead PR board, and the changes take effect immediately.

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