PHDIQ & Atlas mine gold for Monteith’s

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True to the pioneering spirit of its West Coast homeland, Monteith’s is “following no one” yet again, thanks to its digital agency PHDIQ and Atlas (a Facebook company).

Working with PHDIQ, DB Breweries is one of the first advertisers to use Atlas in New Zealand, which it is doing to prove the success of its online video brand campaign for Monteith’s Follow No One.

Atlas, an ad tech solution, gives marketers the tools to reach their audience wherever they consume online content, and to connect the dots between online marketing and business outcomes – meaning better results for businesses and more relevant ads for people.

Christophe Spencer, PHDIQ NZ head of digital planning, says Atlas was chosen as a key partner to support the significant seven-month campaign for Monteith’s.

“We needed a partner that could measure online reach and frequency against our specific target audience,” he says. “Additionally, we had to prove whether online video could be more effective than TV at building 1+ reach against our audience.

“Until now, we haven’t been able to measure this accurately.”

Previous measurement capabilities have only been able to determine how many cookies are served, leading to issues of duplicated reach across multiple devices, such as tablets, mobiles and desktops.

“Working with Atlas has allowed us to overcome this challenge; through an anonymised way, we can now determine the age and gender profile of the people we’ve reached across all sites we are advertising on,” Spencer says.

Damian Burns, global head of sales at Atlas, says the company’s advertising technologies are all about people-based marketing.

“Atlas is an ad-serving and measurement platform that uses information from Facebook to deliver highly relevant ads to any person online, while protecting their privacy,” he said.

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