UK-based independent advertising effectiveness consultant Peter Field returns to NZ next month to conduct a half-day seminar for CAANZ on how to increase ROI and the chances of business success.
“No one can entirely eliminate the risk of failure, but by observing empirical rules that drive success we can certainly reduce the risk of failure,” Field says.
The course provides the theory and evidence needed to build and support the case for better marketing and communications. In a world full of hype about the latest tools, CAANZ says this course goes back to hard evidence of what really works to enable you to avoid costly mistakes.
Field will offer a combination of content, examples of case studies, Q&A, plus interactive exercises over 4.5 hours.
The course is aimed at Senior Strategic Planners from creative + media agencies, with at least five years’ experience, who are looking to add value to client relationships, as well as brand managers and marketing managers looking to improve the effectiveness and ROI of their marketing and communications.
In 2013 Field was an international judge for the New Zealand Effie Awards and was a key presenter at the Effies Effectiveness Function, and in 2011 spoke at Clemenger Group Effectiveness Summits in Auckland and Wellington.
Field spent 15 years as a strategic planner in advertising. In 1997 he left advertising to pursue a consultancy role supporting both clients and their agencies. Over the last 30 years he has worked in most categories and on over 100 brands. He was a member of the IPA’s Advertising’s Value of Advertising Committee for five years, set up and ran their Effectiveness Databank in its early years. He’s also been a judge for the IPA Effectiveness Awards.
His extensive work includes: ‘Marketing in the Era of Accountability’ with Les Binet, (2007) based on a meta-analysis of almost 900 case studies in the IPA Databank. In 2008 he co-authored ‘ Brand Immortality’ with Hamish Pringle, published by Kogan Page – a practical guide to maintaining brand health across the life-stages of categories – it too draws on the findings of the Databank. In June last year, he broadened the scope of his work on creativity using the Australian Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA) awards database: the report, titled ‘The link between creativity and effectiveness’.
The Auckland course is scheduled for 8.30am-12.30pm on Wednesday 11 June (venue tba). People from CAANZ agencies will pay $595+gst (all others $695+gst).
To register an interest, contact nicky@caanz.co.nz.
See more here
The Social Media breakfast
Meanwhile, CAANZ still has tickets left for its Social Media breakfast next week, featuring Giles Tuck, creative lead at Google’s in-house creative agency, and William Papesch, Tui Marketing Manager at DB Breweries.
The Champion Speaker Series: #1 Social Creativity breakfast will be held on Wednesday 14 May, 7am-9am, at Kensington Swan, 18 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
M+AD is happy to point out that CAANZ is holding this event with support given by Kensington Swan Lawyers.
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