Samsung shoots global TVC in NZ

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For the second year in a row, the global Samsung team has chosen to film its global TV campaign in New Zealand.

Samsung Electronics New Zealand’s Coliseum commercial for “the world’s first Curved Ultra High Definition TV” is now screening worldwide, including here in NZ.

It was created by CHI & Partners (UK), and shot by Kiwi director Nathan Price in conjunction with Park Pictures.

Filmed on location in a quarry in Wiri, Auckland, the 60 second spot dramatises how the cinematically curved screen and UHD 4K detail surrounds the viewer to deliver “the ultimate viewing experience”.

During the production Price worked alongside Kiwi costume designer Barbara Darragh to create the look and feel of the gladiators and the emperor’s entourage.

Samsung NZ had the opportunity to support the international team on the ground – and recently caught up with Price to capture just what went into the production and how he worked to convey the immersive effect of the curved UHD screen …

“The script was developed by CHI & Partners in London and then my job was to bring the text on the page to life,” Price said.

“I think what drew the agency to my style and approach, is that I like to do as much as I can in camera. Working with UHD is certainly a lot more work, as you need to create so much more detail at every level, but when you’re watching it’s pretty spectacular, you feel like you’re right there. It’s one of those things where you don’t really know what you were missing, but then when you see it you don’t want to go back.”

Samsung NZ marketing director Mike Cornwell said: “The Samsung New Zealand team was thrilled that, yet again, the company chose to shoot a global TVC here in New Zealand.

“Not only do we get the opportunity to showcase the talent here in New Zealand to the world at large, we are also able to celebrate the fact that we’re part of a brand that pushes for world-first and ground-breaking campaigns to promote products that are themselves ahead of the curve.

“There is something very cinematic about the curve, something that we automatically associate with going to the cinema, so in this way I think this technology will bring a special factor to the home television experience.

“The curved TV sets a new benchmark – and will absolutely change the way Kiwis watch TV, in much the same way that Kiwi stars like Nathan Price and Barbara Darragh continue to change the way we view the world through their considerable skills.”

See next item for the full interview with Nathan Price.

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