NZ missed out on the heavy metal at the New York Festivals Advertising Awards on Friday – but still took home a hefty haul of eight Silvers & seven Bronzes.
BBDO – worldwide and in NZ – threw a long shadow over the field, with Clemenger BBDO Wellington (four) & Colenso BBDO Auckland (three) taking out six of the eight NZ Silvers (or Second Prizes, as NYF labels them).
Only a single Silver for Saatchi’s ASB Clever Kash prevented a clean BBDO sweep.
Clemenger & Colenso also dominated the Bronzes, with Clems taking out four of the eight, and Colenso one. Saatchi also had a good result, with three Bronzes – all for ASB.
Best of Show was Clemenger BBDO Melbourne’s Meet Graham for the Victoria Transport Accident Commission. Network of the Year – surprise surprise – was BBDO (for the fifth year in a row).
Second Prize Award
- NZ Transport Agency Hello, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Politics & Government/Avant-Garde/Innovative
- NZ Transport Agency Hello, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Digital (Cyber) Communications
- NZ Transport Agency Hello, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Civic & Social Education/Public Service Announcements/Communications
- Fonterra Anchor X-Ray Casts, Colenso BBDO, Beverages: Non-alcoholic/Direct & Collateral
- KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Public Spaces/Design
- Amnesty Unblocker, Colenso BBDO, Politics & Government/Digital (Cyber) Comms
- Amnesty Unblocker, Colenso BBDO, Promotion of Peace & Human Rights/Public Service Announcements
- ASB Clever Kash, Saatchi & Saatchi, Use of Technology/Mobile Marketing
Third Prize Award
- KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Public Spaces/Design/Transportation/Activation & Engagement
- KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Public Spaces/Design, Outdoor/Avant-Garde/Innovative
- KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Public Spaces/Design
- NZ Transport Agency Hello, Clemenger BBDO Touchcast, Politics & Government/Direct & Collateral
- ASB Clever Kash, Saatchi & Saatchi, Financial & Investment Services/Digital (Cyber) Communications
- ASB Clever Kash, Saatchi & Saatchi, Mobile Applications/Mobile Marketing
- Fonterra Anchor X-Ray Casts, Colenso BBDO, Beverages: Non-alcoholic/Outdoor/Out of Home Marketing
BBDO Worldwide took centre stage
BBDO’s 22 global offices earned an impressive two Grand Prize Awards, seven First Prizes, 12 Seconds, and 15 Thirds.
“It’s important to us that so many BBDOs in the network are represented,” said BBDO Worldwide ceo David Lubars, “because it proves that our claim of being a global boutique is true; there are a lot of great BBDOs around the world.”
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