Slingshot tasks TRACK to get the whole family online

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Slingshot has a quirky new TVC promoting its fibre offering for the first time, having previously focused on promoting DSL products. The 30-second TVC highlights the growing demand for high-speed data in kiwi households, with every family member — right down to the dog — plugged into the web.

Roughly half of NZ households have fibre available but only around 20% have taken it up, so Slingshot has answered the challenge of convincing people that the perceived hassle of switching is worthwhile — especially with Slingshot fibre costing the same as a slower DSL connection.

Slingshot Senior Marketing Manager, Luke Meurant, says the number of connected devices in New Zealand households is booming and Slingshot’s offering is attractively positioned to meet that demand.

“Slingshot’s fibre plans are priced very competitively, and we know the Slingshot brand is a well-established part of the lead pack in terms of market consideration. So the goal here is not to convince customers we have a great fibre product — they already see that — it’s to convince customers that they need fibre.”

TRACK Creative Director, Jeff Harris, agrees that Kiwis already want faster internet, it’s just a matter of making them realise it.

“With technology trends like the Internet of Things starting to develop, people really are starting to test their internet plans to the limit,” says Jeff. “We wanted to show people in a fun way that they’re already thrashing their data, and that appetite is only going to go up, so they need the right plan to cope with it.”

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