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M+AD ed David Gapes had his own close encounter of the worst kind with the Auld Mug – now heading back to Godzone – when it was last in town.

Author John Dix takes up the (embarrassing) story …

“Team NZ’s success this morning prompted me to share a memory on Facebook, which has caused some mirth,” Dix wrote to his mates yesterday.

“In 1997, the vice-commodore of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron kindly allowed a bunch of snooker buffs to use the club’s tables on Friday afternoons, not a club member or sailor amongst us.

“On what eventuated as the final occasion, Dave Gapes noticed the return of the damaged trophy and the newly improved security system.

“I wonder how close you can get,” he said, reaching over the velvet rope.

“He found out and that was the end of our weekly snooker sessions at the RNZYS. Thanks, Dave!”

Stranded in Paradise
John Dix is the author an acclaimed book about NZ rock’n’roll, Stranded in Paradise.

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