Social media trumped trad media

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By Shout! Web Strategy Melbourne ceo Michael Jenkins: Today the world is waking up with the greatest hangover since Brexit. We have entered the era of Trump Pence.

Dubbed the ‘Twitter Election’ this historic race to the White House has played out for the past 18 months across social media tweets from candidates, voters, media and celebrities, with everyone weighing in on the election that divided not only a nation – but the world.

We’ve had banter, memes, support and slander – who could forget Clinton’s now infamous ‘Delete your account’ tweet – the most retweeted tweet of the entire election.

And then, after Melania Trump was accused of plagiarising Michelle Obama’s speech came an avalanche of memes as the Internet made sure Melania was given credit for her other prophetic moments.

Biggest Twitter election ever
On Tuesday, it was voters who went to Twitter, expressing their support for one candidate or the other.

The social network said more than 40 million tweets about the election were sent since midnight. That compares with 31 million for the entirety of Election Day in 2012.

So who really won the Twitter battle throughout those dying moments?


#Trump – 1.21m tweets
#DonaldTrump – 237,000
#Election2016 – 420,000

Where’s Hillary? She’s not even trending right now. It’s been radio silence from her to her 10m + Twitter followers; with her last tweet more than six hours prior to her conceding defeat.

Needless to say, here’s one Twitter account we’ll be watching closely over the coming weeks – #trumpcake.

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