Super Rugby gets some swagger

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Arch Hill-based boutique creative shop Brandspank has created new opening titles for this year’s Super Rugby competition.

“This year three new teams enter the Super Rugby competition making it the perfect time for new opening titles as part of SKY’s match coverage,”  says Brandspank CD Steve Thompson.

“Brandspank’s execution delivers an edgy contemporary aesthetic in line with SKY and the NZRU’s desire to inject some ‘swagger’ into the brand positioning of the world’s most dynamic professional rugby competition.”


Client: Tex Teixeira, Head of Sport, SKY
Sport Operations Manager, SKY: Brian Hitchcock
Producer Super Rugby, SKY: Marcus Kennedy
Marketing Manager, NZRU: Craig Harvey
Agency: Brandspank
Creative Director: Steve Thomson
Producer: Kurt Bradley
Director: Logan Bradley
DOP: Dave Garbett
Talent: Auckland Rugby & Eden Rugby Club
3D: Robert Brienza, Tom Bellamy,
Compositing: Robert Brienza, Reuben Thorpe
Music: Hum Studios

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