“Marketers dream of extensive above-the-line awareness campaigns – it’s what we are built to do,” says B2B marketing specialist Rebecca Caroe, introducing her upcoming website optimisation breakfast seminar in Ponsonby.
“That’s the ‘sexy’ 30 second spot plus billboards and an entry to Cannes for a Lion,” she reckons.
“Many of us forget that there are cheaper and easier ways to improve metrics for clients. Not so high profile, not such high budgets but nonetheless effective at turning a strong return on investment for marketing spend.
“Chief among these is bounce rate. The metric for one-page visitors to a website. In the immortal words of Avinash Kaushik, a bouncing visitor thinks “I came, I puked, I left.
“That is the beauty of Bounce Rate – at a macro level it shows how much you stink.
“Increasing the number of pages browsed can significantly improve your website metrics and the KPIs or goals you have set.
“The bounce rate is the metric for one-page visitors to a website. ‘I came, I puked, I left’.”
“And so learning specific tactics to implement on high bounce pages will help you and delight your clients.”
Caroe says she will explore the top three ways to stop visitors from bouncing off a website.
“You’ll learn what you’re doing wrong, and you’ll leave this breakfast seminar with an arsenal of tools to begin making changes right away.
“In a digitally competitive world where it takes only seconds to hold a user’s attention, encouraging engagement on your website is more important than ever.
“This event is based in Auckland, but if you can’t make it, simply sign up for a video ticket instead. But please note that the video will be released after the event – it won’t be a live stream.”
The venue is The Gluepot Room, Ponsonby Community Centre, Ponsonby Terrace. The event runs 7.30am to 9am.
- Tickets are $30 from here
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