To coincide with Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Spark, Colenso BBDO and Te Aka Māori Dictionary have launched Kupu, an interactive mobile app powered by Google.
Kupu lets users see the te reo Māori translations for pictures they take on their phone. It serves up the most likely translation, then other options for what it detects in the image.It also lets the user input words, meaning the app is constantly learning and iterating.
“Bite-sized language learning that fits our daily habits is the benefit,” says Colenso CD Mike Davison. “But the long-term collaboration with the best technology, Māori language and digital platform experts our country has – that’s what has made this project humbling and memorable.”
“Kupu lets users see the te reo Māori translations for pictures they take on their phone – and serves up the most likely translation.”
Kupu uses Google Cloud Vision and Google Translate APIs, supported by Te Aka Māori Dictionary data.
Spark business manager Lisa Paraku said: “Spark wants to get more people engaged and using te reo Māori every day. We’d love every New Zealander to have a tool in their pocket to help them learn.”
Sydney-based Google ANZ CD said: “We aim to inspire New Zealanders to explore te reo Māori and encourage them to add more Māori words to their everyday vocabularies.”
Client: Spark
Agency: Colenso BBDO
Partners: Te Aka Māori Dictionary research team of Te Ipukarea of National Māori Language Institute
Google Development: Rush Digital
Sound: Franklin Rd
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