Tenfold enlists Stan Walker for Mercer’s Kiwisaver campaign

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AUCKLAND, Today: Newmarket indie agency Tenfold Creative has set out a new brand campaign for funds management company Mercer NZ – a long-time client partner.

Mercer marketing manager Tatiana Mes says the campaign speaks to a generation of Kiwis grappling with the path towards owning their first home.

“Almost 2.5 million New Zealanders have not given KiwiSaver a second thought; that’s why Mercer has teamed up with talented Kiwi musician Stan Walker, on a mission to help more Kiwis get ahead with their savings,” Mes said.

“Stan shares what he’s learned about KiwiSaver and that no matter if you’re saving a little or a lot – it’ll add up quicker when you’re with a KiwiSaver provider that helps you make the right choices along the way.

“Video-first is the strategy, promoting bite-sized content across social channels, with a digital schedule, radio ads, anchored by social content and the campaign website.”

“This campaign is a continuation of the strategy to educate New Zealanders about KiwiSaver.”

Tenfold managing partner Brendon Gleeson said: “Stan is a great fit to launch the new Let’s Get Ahead Mercer brand positioning.

“We’ve had good success with influencer marketing and the timing felt right to turn up the volume by partnering with Stan as a brand ambassador for Mercer. Stan is passionate about the importance of saving for the future and shares the vision for what we’re trying to achieve.

“To connect with people who hadn’t fully engaged with KiwiSaver we knew that we had to lose any financial jargon and develop a tone of voice that spoke to the simple ways people could be better off if they got involved.

“Early in the planning we identified video-first as the strategy, promoting bite-sized content across social channels. The campaign is supported by a digital schedule, radio ads and anchored by social content and the campaign website mercerkiwisaver.co.nz, also developed by Tenfold.


Client: Mercer New Zealand
Marketing and Communications Manager: Tatiana Mes
Marketing Campaign Manager: Anna Wiggins
Agency: Tenfold
Managing Partner: Brendon Gleeson
Creative Partner: Jon Raymen
Production Company: Pure
DOP: Jamie McKenzie
Camera Operator: Daryl Harbraken
Post Production: Richard Parker
Photographer: Stephen Tilley
Stylist: Sammy Salsa

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