Top journos face the chop at NZME

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Last week’s M+AD story about NZME’s “world class integrated newsroom” (supplied by NZME) had all the happy-clappy news – but skimped on some important detail, such as the likelihood of redundancy for a number of the best NZ Herald writers.

According to NBR business journalist Nick Grant these include Canvas deputy editor Greg Nixon, feature writer Alan Perrott, and columnist John Roughan, media writer John Drinnan, columnist Brian Rudman and senior writer Michele Hewitson.

Grant reports that these – and maybe other senior staff at the NZ Herald – are being “consulted” about the proposed plans to facilitate the creation of NZME’s “world-class integrated newsroom”.

Other contributors whose services were recently deemed to be surplus to requirements are Paul Casserly, James Griffin, Dita De Boni, Jock Anderson and Peter Calder.

  • Read the full NBR story here

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