Trinidad ad star hungry for NZ agency role 

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A Caribbean-born advertising & production exponent has settled in Auckland where she is managing the upcoming premiere of a Bollywood *movie she’s been working on with 100 Unitec students and Kiwi filmmaker Athina Tsoulis. Alison Smith’s real goal, however, is to land a job with a NZ ad agency.

“I arrived in Auckland in December 2015, together with my Kiwi husband and 12-year-old son from Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean, where I ran my own advertising/production company Smith & Smith Productions Ltd for 20 years.

“I’ve been involved with writing copy, creating tag lines, developing campaigns, and directing & producing TV ads for Nestle, BP, Coca Cola and the local telco, producing work for Publicis, McCann Erickson, Saatchi & Saatchi and local ad agencies as well as my own company clients, plus a deluge of event management work.

“Prior to S&SP, I worked at Rostant DDB Port of Spain as an audio visual producer five years.

“I am Trini-born to Brit parents, Brit educated, Trini Soul!” She written copy, created tag lines, developed campaigns, and written & directed for Nestle, BP, Coca Cola and the local Telco “and many more.

“We shoot on ‘red’ or standard HD – pre pro, casting, locations, shooting, clients, post, presentations same procedure, lots of animation as well. Lots of client interaction as well.

“In July I had a contract with Sky TV for three months for the Olympics in their broadcast department.

Breaking through in NZ
“I really want to work in an ad agency to be honest, but it’s like knocking on strong ‘cling film’ – I can see through, but cannot break through. Any advice would be appreciated.

“I now have had exposure to Auckland media – it’s not unlike Trinidad and Tobago. We have a population of 1.4 million and 36 radio stations and four TV stations, plus strong digital platforms. It’s pretty USA influenced (Trump Flu-Enza will be hitting Trinidad soon!).

“I have joined WIFT and DEGNZ.

“Anyway, I am a go-getter – maybe too much so,but when you have run your own company that hamster wheel has to turn!

“I signed up to M+AD as soon as I arrived. Keep up the great work.”

Stars In Her Eyes debuts this Friday 18 November at SkyCity.

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