Victoria lands in Godzone

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Visit Victoria’s new destination marketing campaign, A Twist at Every Turn, launched in New Zealand yesterday. The campaign aims to challenge New Zealanders’ perceptions of the city by bringing Melbourne’s many personas to life.

“Melbourne is a city that you do, not just see,” Visit Victoria ceo Peter Bingeman said. “You never truly know what’s coming next or where it will take you. Melbourne is full of surprises and provides experiences and moments you can’t plan for.”

A Twist at Every Turn is a cinematic foray through Melbourne’s many moods as the characters twist and turn through unexpected moments, uncovering hidden gems while looking for their destination.

“Each frame feels different to the one before, with recognisable moments from iconic films setting the mood,” Bingeman said.

The fully integrated, multi-channel Australasian campaign includes television and cinema, online video digital display, an interactive digital utility, social media, out-of-home advertising as well as public relations and partnership activity.

In New Zealand, Visit Victoria will be partnering with Qantas Airways NZ and will roll out activity with the airline in 2018.


Agency: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
NZ Media agency: OMD
NZ PR: Fuse
Film co: Not known

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