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Performance marketing platform AdRoll has released Building a Business Case for Attribution, a comprehensive guide designed to help marketers consider three of the issues faced when getting started with attribution:

  1. What models are available and what’s the right one for my brand?
  2. Who will I need to work with and how can I get buy in?
  3. How do I build a business case?

“Brands are attracted to digital advertising due to its transparency and programmatic advertising efficiencies,” says Ben Sharp, Managing Director AdRoll ANZ, who manages the NZ market from his base in Sydney.

“However, the sums spent on digital are now so vast that any inefficiencies have become costly. Attribution models can go a long way to addressing such waste, but many marketers still struggle to understand the opportunities of attribution.

“And even when they want to move forward, getting crucial budget support and business case approval from the C-suite can prove daunting.”

Maybe we’re missing something, but when M+AD visited the site (scroll down), we were unable to access the guide and purchase details.

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