Well-orchestrated collision of creativity

Amar TrivediNews Make a Comment

We live in a world full of creative ideas. It takes an eye for detail to spot them, and a love of design to enjoy and share them.

#UrbisDesignDay – annual event by Urbis Magazine – is a celebration of all that: form & function, detail & design. Indeed, it is a well-orchestrated collision of creativity.

A carefully coordinated collaboration of inspiring ideas from seasoned industry professionals working with bright young minds – with exhibitions and art installations from fields as diverse as paint, furniture, floor rugs, lighting, cars, coffee, touchscreens and tablets to designer dog houses.

Design Day is clever retail marketing meets smart event-planning. With heaps of tech, free taxi rides, good food, cool wine, great music – it creates a full-on experience.

The fun is only amplified with pictures going up on social media and some great prizes up for grabs on Instagram and Facebook.

We had been warned – Be prepared to be amazed.

  • To check out more photos from Urbis Designday 2015, jump on to www.urbismagazine.com/designday
  • Social idea: An idea on paper is worth little more than the paper it is on. An idea shared takes a life of its own.

C’ya next year!

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