Whybin\TBWA is raising a glass to their newest client partnership with Independent Liquor. Whybin\TBWA will be working across Independent’s full portfolio of brands including Asahi, Boundary Road Brewery, Carlsberg, Kingfisher, Etrella Damm, Long White, Vodka Cruiser, Woodstock and Somersby.
“We are very excited about working with Independent Liquor. They have a dynamic marketing team and a strong suite of diverse brands,” says Whybin\TBWA New Zealand CEO, Andrew Scott.
“To best meet their needs, our team will draw on the expertise of the four divisions of TBWA Group NZ; TBWA (brand), Eleven (PR, social), Integer (shopper marketing), and The Digital Arts Network (Digital/UX).”
Asahi General Manager of Marketing Australia New Zealand, Michael Edmonds, says, “As our brands continue to grow, we wanted to align ourselves with a team that was not only excited to face the challenges ahead but equipped to handle them as well.”
Whybin\TBWA underwent senior management change late last year with the arrival of CEO Andrew Scott and Executive Creative Director Christy Peacock. Under their stewardship the agency has rolled out a new way of working called Disruption Live.
“Everyday there are valuable opportunities for brands to embrace ideas, join conversations, hack into cultural trends and gain an enormous amount of exposure by being creative, timely and relevant,” says ECD Christy Peacock.
The duo believe the Disruption Live framework has moved Whybin\TBWA from an advertising agency to a Creative Company that fuses brands into culture.
“This is a more connected way of working that enables us to create relevant content for clients at speed,” says Peacock.
“Digital media is rewiring consumers’ brains. 10 years ago the average attention span was 13 seconds and now it’s closer to 7. The way consumers interact with media continues to evolve, and as a network we recognise the traditional agency model has changed forever.”
Andrew Scott, is confident in the direction Whybin\TBWA is heading and believes the group in NZ is well positioned to make an impact in this market.
“The Digital Arts Network, our UX led digital business has been growing year on year and is now essential to many of our clients. Eleven, our social media and PR hub is also in a growth phase. In addition, we have quietly launched Integer Group, the network’s leading retail shopper and promotional marketing arm, which we expect to have a considerable impact on our business.”
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