Y&R & Gwyneth Paltrow play hide-and-seek for Meadow Fresh

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Y&R has devised a cunning plan to promote Meadow Fresh’s new authentic Greek yoghurt – by enlisting an endorsement from somebody called “Gwyneth”, then leaving the star out of their ad.

“Kaló, begs the ultimate question – is it good enough for Gwyneth?” writes ECD Tim Huse in the blurb from the agency.

“Kaló is New Zealand’s first mainstream authentic Greek yoghurt, made using only two ingredients; 100-year-old culture from Crete and Meadow Fresh milk from New Zealand – so it’s good,” he says.

“So good in fact, Y&R believe the one and only ‘Queen of All Things Good’, Gwyneth Paltrow, will love Kaló … just as soon as she tries it.

“One tiny problem – without a Hollywood-sized budget, Y&R are taking a more authentically Kiwi approach to get Gwyneth to endorse Kaló – the campaign launched this week with a series of TVCs, OOH, digital and social aims to capture our favourite, healthy-living celebrity’s attention, whilst encouraging Kiwi yoghurt lovers to also try authentic Greek yoghurt.

“Right from the start we saw that everyone who tried Kaló, genuinely liked it. That simple fact gave us the confidence to announce Kaló’s arrival in a way that confirms to our audience that it’s no ordinary yoghurt.”

Goodman Fielder MD Tim Deane said: “Authentic Greek yoghurt is seeing huge growth around the world, and we’ve been waiting for a long time to introduce a product like Kaló.”

“We know that Kiwis will love it, when they try it. New Zealanders, and, hopefully, one natural food devotee in Los Angeles.”


Client: Goodman Fielder
Managing Director: Tim Deane
Head of Marketing: Rachel Ellerm
Head of Dairy Category: Katherine Jensen
Senior Brand Manager: Natalie Bourke
Head of Strategy: Lorriane Breheny
Head of Consumer Engagement: Meghan Blair
Group Corporate Affairs Manager: Ra Fletcher
Digital Marketing Manager: Kate Swan
Consumer Engagement Specialist: Kristin Mooney
Agency: Y&R
CEO / CCO: Josh Moore
Managing Director: Jono Key
Executive Creative Director: Tim Huse
Copywriter: Ellen Fromm
Art Director: Kate Lill
Senior Agency Producer: Sacha Moore
Head of TV and Content: Anna Kennedy
Senior Account Director: Katie Loverich
Account Manager: Lauren Framp
Head of Design: James Wendelborn
Media Agency: MBM
Managing Partner: Sean McCready
Client Services Director: Penelope Burns
Media Manager: Amy Greene
Media Planner Buyer: Kate Welsh
Digital Manager/Senior Search and Performance Manager: Sarah Roodt
Digital Director: Emily Ostrowska
Market Leader: Louise Paul
Account Director: Alex Dawson
Account Manager: Abby Watson
Production Company: Eight
Director: Miki Magasiva
Managing Director / Producer: Katie Millington
Sound Design: Liquid
Photographer: Toaki Okano (The Collective Force)

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