Blackmores’ award-winning ad – the Kiwi version

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Last week, M+AD poked borax at the Aussie accents on the latest Blackmores campaign, which won the NZ Self-Medication Awards. Since then, we’ve dug deeper and discovered that Blackmores also produced a New Zealand version of the same campaign – with Kiwi accents (that’s it, above).

All the Blackmores ads that screen in NZ are produced in Australia – and re-tuned by Auckland’s Flying Start Pictures for the NZ market.

“We change the voiceovers and replace them with the voices of NZ actors,” Flying Start director Tony Vernal told us. “The Australians use top quality voices on all their ads, which we try to match here.”

The film company also makes other, minor changes, he said, citing one ad that featured people in a dinghy without life jackets.

“That would not be acceptable to CAB in NZ – where life jackets are compulsory – so we fix that sort of thing, too.”

The award-winning ad was created by Sydney agency Monkeys, and filmed by Goodoil. PHD NZ look after all of the media & strategy for Blackmores locally, and Spark PR & Activate manage the PR.

  • Last week’s M+AD story here
  • The original Aussie version below

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