Handshakes all round

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AUCKLAND, Thursday: Stanley St CCO Regan Grafton has confirmed that the unexpected resignations of ECDs Lisa Fedyszyn & Jonathan McMahon came amidst expressions of mutual goodwill.

Axis 2020 nigh

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AUCKLAND, Today: The Comms Council has published a useful list of in-depth profiles of the jury team leaders who will guide the big decisions at Axis 2020 – plus detailed information about Axis dates.

Stanley St adds Capital muscle

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WELLINGTON, Today: New Zealand’s largest indie agency Stanley St has unveiled five new roles in their office in the Capital. The agency’s move toward local ownership and independence was fuelled by its desire to retain profits in New Zealand, creating the ability to invest in both the agency group, and its clients.

Axis 2020 taps Lisa Fedyszyn

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AUCKLAND, Today: The Comms Council has named its Axis Awards 2020 convenor – she’s celebrated creative Lisa Fedyszyn, who has worked in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA  – From BBDO to DDB to TBWA to Droga5 to Ogilvy.  And now Stanley St, where she is an executive creative director of New Zealand’s biggest independent agency.