PR shop behind the wheel for Look Good Feel Better

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4564 kilometres, 84 days on the road, 21 towns visited, 420 people through the door, 60 volunteers, 59 lipsticks, and 42 eye-liner pencils. You can also add 10 of NZ’s most trusted companies to that list, who were brought together by Boyd PR to help cancer charity Look Good Feel Better complete a four-month road trip around the country in a 40-foot shipping container.

Back in May, M+AD ran a story about Boyd PR’s involvement in the project – scroll down for the link.

The charity, which provides free “Feel better” classes for people living with cancer, travelled from Timaru to Kerikeri (and many places in between) doing makeovers in the mobile container workshop.

For the project, Boyd PR assembled a who’s who of New Zealand companies made up of Mazda NZ, shipping container specialists Royal Wolf, Sistema Plastics, BP, Farmers and Mitre 10. A diverse group of transport companies, including PBT, Pacifica Shipping, Bluebridge, and South Island stalwarts Brosnan Transport Ltd, helped transport the container around New Zealand for free.

The collective of like-minded companies allowed Look Good Feel Better’s On the Move container to visit 21 towns – starting in Timaru in late April before arriving back in Auckland in July for Feel Better Month, the charity’s annual appeal month.

LGFB general manager Clare O’Higgins says while LGFB’s classes have been going for more than a decade the portable container has allowed the charity to go to communities that it previously has not been able to get to.

“The On the Move container has been a fantastic success for us this year,” she said. “It’s given us a unique space that we can call our own, but more importantly it’s given us the ability to travel to places we couldn’t get to in the past.

“Both our participants and volunteers have loved the experience, and it has produced some great experiences for some very deserving women.”

O’Higgins says Look Good Feel Better is very thankful for the support they have received from all the companies who jumped on board the container project to make it a huge success.

“They’ve been angels, all of them,” says O’Higgins. “Our aim this year was to make sure that no participant had to travel more than 30 minutes to get to a class – and we were able to do that because of the container.

“The success of the On the Move campaign, and our fundraising efforts in general this year, shows what can be achieved when a strong group of people and organisations come together to do something great for deserving people.”

About Look Good Feel Better
The demand for Look Good Feel Better’s life-enhancing workshops is at its highest, as every day 60 Kiwis will learn they have cancer – making the need for their non-medical services even more vital.

The national charity provides free workshops for people with any type of cancer as they manage the gruelling side-effects of their treatment.

Look Good Feel Better’s General Manager, Clare O’Higgins, says last year, Look Good Feel Better held over 250 classes in 33 locations throughout New Zealand.

“In 2016 with the help of LGFB On the Move, the charity will host over 300 workshops nationwide. Our aim is to provide enough local workshops so no participant has to travel more than 30 minutes to attend a session that significantly increases positivity and brings back their laughter and smiles.”

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