Whopper haul for Y&R at D&AD

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Y&R’s Burger King McWhopper enjoyed a stunning Day 2 at D&AD in London overnight, picking up five of the NZ agency’s six Pencils. Also on the board, with one Pencil apiece, were Saatchi & Saatchi, Spark PHD, FCB and Colenso BBDO.

NZ at D&AD Day 2

Y&R: Burger King McWhopper, in Integrated & Innovative Media
Y&R: Burger King McWhopper in Earned Media
Y&R: Burger King McWhopper in Best Integrated Campaign/PR
Y&R Burger King McWhopper, in Creative Use of Media/PR
Y&R Burger King McWhopper, in Press Advertising
Y&R: Brake Road Safety Living Memories, in Social Responsibility/PR
Spark PHD: DB Brewtroleum in Integrated & Innovative Media
Saatchi & Saatchi: ASB Clever Kash, in Innovative Use of Mobile Technology
FCB: Paradise Hill It’s Not OK, in Creative Use of Media/PR
Colenso BBDO: NZ Breast Cancer Foundation A Cream That Gives You Wrinkles in Press Advertising

In total, 157 further Pencils were awarded across six categories (making 235 in total so far). Entrants will have to wait until the Award Ceremony on Thursday 19 May to find out which colour Pencil (Wood, Graphite, Yellow, White or Black) they’ve won.

The wins elevated NZ to 8th place on the leaderboard:

  1. UK: 53 Pencils
  2. USA: 40 Pencils
  3. = Singapore: 15 Pencils
  4. = France: 15 Pencils
  5. Brazil: 12 Pencils
  6. = Australia: 11 Pencils
  7. = Japan: 11 Pencils
  8. New Zealand: 10 Pencils
  9. South Africa: 9 Pencils
  10. Germany: 7 Pencils


Wood Pencils: Equivalent to Bronze. Worthy of a place in the D&AD Annual.
Graphite Pencils: Equivalent to Silver. Standout work, beautifully executed with an original and inspiring idea at its core.
Yellow Pencils: Awarded to the work that is judged to be the best in the world, selected from projects that receive a Nomination during judging.
Black Pencils: The ultimate creative accolade, reserved for work that is groundbreaking in its field. Only a handful of Black Pencils are awarded each year, if any.
White Pencils: This year will see an expansion of the White Pencil concept, with the introduction of the D&AD Impact Awards in partnership with Advertising Week parent Stillwell Partners. These standalone awards will identify and celebrate real-world achievements generated through creativity across 12 categories. They are open to any agency, studio, media owner, publisher, startup or brand that has made a positive change to people’s lives and contributed towards a sustainable future, shining a light on the power of creativity to positively affect the way the world works.

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