2degrees & Special wage (polite) war of words

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2degrees chose a novel route to announcing its sudden, unexpected departure from Special Group on Friday – the telco fired off a short, sharp, but carefully polite missive to media announcing its exit, and sparking a counter-PR strike from Special (which had won the account just months earlier).

Single-width print gurus powwow

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The true story of how print is relevant and a powerhouse in today’s media world – plus an insider viewpoint on what is driving New Zealand’s economy – will be among key messages awaiting delegates at this year’s Single Width Users’ Group (SWUG) conference.

Asia-Pacific call for entries

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Campaign Asia-Pacific has issued its entry call for its 2017 Agency of the Year Awards. which recognise “inspired leadership, management excellence, outstanding business performance and overall brilliance” in the Asia-Pacific advertising and communications industry. There is a specific category for Australia & NZ.

Magnum rebrands Australasian architect (updated)

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Auckland ad & design agency Magnum, with PR backup from Acumen Republic, has completed a rebranding exercise for Viaduct Harbour-based Ignite Architects (offices in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Tauranga and Sydney), the outfit behind many inspiring built environments in Australia & NZ.

Making milk cool again 

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In a world of celebrities and soft drinks Anchor and Colenso BBDO have pulled off a rare double by winning back to back Gold Lions in the Health & Wellness category in consecutive years by creating unique campaigns that are putting milk back on the radar of an increasingly discerning and media-savvy generation.

NZ link to new Sydney filmmaker

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A new film company, Sedona Productions, has been launched in Sydney by producer Kim Wildenburg, the former managing director of Exit Films. She promises Sedona will “deliver an innovative take on production with storytelling, design and technology at its core”.