No static in latest radio surveys

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The Edge, Newstalk ZB, More, and Breeze are the top four networks to emerge from the GfK national radio survey, released yesterday. One of the brighter spots on the radio dial these days is Radio Live, but its listenership showed only a small upward movement, and MediaWorks will be disappointed.

In the breakfast market, ZB’s Mike Hoskings continues to dominate Live’s Paul Henry (although the latter is steadily gaining on TV1’s Breakfast in his simulcast TV show).

Across all demographics, MediaWorks cumulative audience numbered 1.5 million listeners while NZME scored 1.82 million.

Across the board, the number of younger listeners was slightly down – although hiphop stations Mai and Flava bucked that trend.

This is GFK’s second radio survey since taking over last year from TNS – and like the first, it shows a uniform lift in listenership across the board.

Unsurprisingly, then, NZME and MediaWorks both agreed that the updated methodology has been a significant step in providing a more accurate data.

For the first time, these results will also include Radio New Zealand’s figures, but these will only be released one week after the commercial results as part of an agreement between the parties.

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  • Read all the topline results for each market in these PDFs … 

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