Cool concept

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“OMD, DDB and their client Sky  approached us with a chilling proposition,” says Phantom Billstickers’ Stuart Palmer, who sent us the image.

Auckland’s billboard corner turns digital

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Anzac Avenue in downtown Auckland was developed in 1918 and within just five years, the corner of Anzac Ave and Beach Rd became an early beacon of billboard advertising. Throughout its history, the corner site has remained either vacant or used for car parking, surrounded for most of its life with static signage.

WARC unveils Future of Strategy Report

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London, 10 July – WARC, a global authority on advertising and media effectiveness, has released the results of its first worldwide survey of senior strategists, highlighting the impact the planning discipline is having on the ever-changing marketing landscape.

Vodafone named a top global LGBT employer

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Vodafone has been named as one of the top employers worldwide for lesbian, gay, bi and trans staff. The list is compiled by UK-based charity Stonewall from submissions to the Global Workplace Equality Index, a powerful benchmarking tool used by employers to create inclusive workplaces.

2degrees & Special wage (polite) war of words

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2degrees chose a novel route to announcing its sudden, unexpected departure from Special Group on Friday – the telco fired off a short, sharp, but carefully polite missive to media announcing its exit, and sparking a counter-PR strike from Special (which had won the account just months earlier).